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The Simplest Pumpkin Bread

The Simplest Pumpkin Bread

This fall, I decided to prepare a new pumpkin bread recipe. It's just how I imagined it, moist, light and aromatic. This pumpkin bread is easy to prepare since I love simplicity in the kitchen. It is dairy-free, egg-free, and plant-based. The bread is delicious straight out of the oven as soon as it cools down :) Even better the following day. I let out a chuckle as my son sneezed, and all the flour he was sifting rises like a snowy cloud. “Look, Mom. When the flour settles, it looks like our kitchen has a snowy finish.” He says...
by Magdalena Zmudzinska on October 22, 2022
Super Seedy Energy Bars

Super Seedy Energy Bars

These are our favourite no-bake Energy Bars and they are super-easy to make. The bars are deliciously carob-y, not too sweet, gluten-free, and whole-plant-based! Towards the end of the Summer, I have shown these homemade bars on Instagram, and many people have been asking me for the recipe. Because I usually improvise in the kitchen, I had to sit down and write out all the proportions for you. It took some time but finally, here I am with a new recipe. My adventure with making energy bars began a few years ago when Marcin was preparing for running the ultra-marathon....
by Magdalena Zmudzinska on November 05, 2021